Saturday, February 19, 2005

Arizona: "Guns in bars" bill back for second shot: "Pistols, rifles, shotguns -- Arizonans soon could load them up and tote them into the bar or nightclub of their choice. In a latest tribute to the Wild West, Arizona legislators have come up with a plan to legalize loaded weapons in places that serve alcohol. Senate Bill 1363 breezed through the Senate Judiciary Committee on a 5-2 vote Monday and appears headed toward a promising future in the full Senate and House."

New York: Store owner shoots would-be robber: "'They came in with guns and pointed a gun to my head. They wanted to rob my store. It is as simple as that. I defended myself,' says Barry Fixler, the would-be robbery victim. ... With not one but two assault rifles pointed at his head, Fixler says he was able to lunge away grabbing hold of his personal handgun firing off several rounds. Once the smoke cleared, one suspect was hit and the second man got away."

Minnesota Bill Seeks To Obstruct Law-Abiding Hunters: "A new bill in Minnesota would require all hunters to undergo a background check when purchasing a hunting license. SF 781 would require a background check to determine if the purchaser was ineligible to posses a firearm. Obviously, criminals who are going to violate the law by possessing a gun aren`t going to bother to buy a hunting license, only law abiding citizens would be impacted by this legislation. Call your Senator and respectfully urge him/her to oppose this attempt to scare and obstruct law-abiding hunters."

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